Your finger or toe nails are damaged?
Have nail prosthetics:
just 1 hour and your nails look perfect!
Don’t like wearing open-toed shoes? Don’t enjoy going to a swimming pool, beach or sauna? You are not alone. According to the statistics, 20% of people have to change their lifestyle because they are embarrassed about the look of their toe (and sometimes finger) nails.
At LIPSCLINIC the problem of damaged nail plate is solved quickly and easily in just one treatment session. We perform toe and finger nail prosthetics using prosthetic gel GEHWOL.
In what cases is nail prosthetics performed?
For Nail Diseases
Nowadays, every fifth person on the planet suffers from nail fungus (onychomycosis). When a nail is affected by fungus, its color changes to white, grey, green, yellow, brown or even black. Nails thicken and chip and are completely destroyed at the final stage of the disease. Fungus affects both toe and finger nails. Treatment of onychomycosis lasts long: between 6 and 12 months until new nails grow. Don’t know how to cure nail fungus? More details about onychomycosis.
Nail prosthesis will help you pass through the long period of nail plate recovery. Prosthetics are performed as follows: the nail plate or its part is removed and replaced with special gel which hardens under ultraviolet light and looks like a healthy nail. Nail prosthetics are also done for other diseases when a nail plate splits, chips, becomes brittle, changes its color or is separated from the nail bed as well as for calluses under nails.
For Injured or Ingrown nails
Another common reason for nail prosthetics is partial or complete loss of a nail due to an injury or in case of an ingrown nail. If a nail plate is missing, toe or finger nail prosthetics is required not only for esthetic purposes but also for protection of the nail bed.
If prosthetics are not done in time, the nail bed will shrink and later, when a new nail starts growing, cavities will appear under it which will make a perfect place for development of various diseases. In case of an ingrown nail prosthetics help to make the nail grow in the right direction.
How are nail prosthetics performed at LIPSCLINIC?
Step 1: Preparation
If you nail plate has been partially or fully excised, preparation is limited to just nail bed disinfection. In other cases the podiatrist will first excise the affected parts of the nail: fragile, crumbling and discolored parts of the nail are removed using metal burrs and diamond stones. The podiatrist leaves hard nail areas only 2-3mm in length for the prosthesis.
If your nail is ingrown, the doctor will first cut out the ingrown parts of the nail and thoroughly treat the nail walls. After that the remaining part of the nail and the surrounding skin will be treated with GEHWOL Nail Repair Cleaner.
Step 2: Application of prosthetic gel
At LIPSCLINIC we use GEHWOL Nail Repair gel. It is applied in a thin layer, so you will not feel any pain or discomfort. Within the following several minutes the podiatrist will carefully distribute the gel on the surface of the nail bed using a brush to shape a nail.
Step 3: Gel stabilizing with ultraviolet radiation
It takes two minutes for the gel to harden under ultraviolet light. Our podiatrists apply two or three coats of GEHWOL gel. After each application gel is exposed to ultraviolet light. This gradual rebuilding makes the artificial nail very elastic. Finally, the podiatrist applies some opal colored gel to the free edge of the nail so that it looks as natural as possible.
Step 4: Shaping
At this stage the podiatrist treats the nail surface with special instruments. This is necessary to give an attractive look and a nice shape to the nails.
Prosthetic nails photos before and after
Reviews of Nail Prosthetics
«I neglected fungus on my big toe finger and remembered that I had the problem just before summer. At Lips clinic I was advised to have nail prosthetics. I liked it: the nail is nice, just like a real one. I went on holiday and neither sea, nor sun, nor sand affected its condition. I believe it is a good and helpful procedure. Thank you for your help!»
Irina, age 32
«After an injury my nail wouldn’t grow! I thought I would have to wear closed-toe shoes for the rest of my life! It made me so self-conscious! I got to Lips clinic by chance and the podiatrist suggested that I should have nail prosthetics. I got a pretty new nail in only 40 minutes. At first I was afraid to hurt it and thought it would break soon. But it has been three months now and a new nicely shaped nail has grown in the place of the prosthesis. I am so grateful to my podiatrist for the great job!»
Nastya, age 25
Still have questions about nail prosthetics?
You can call or better come to us – a podiatrist consultation is free at our clinic.
Call us at +7 963 964-79-76 to make an appointment or place your request.
Prices of Nail Prosthetics
Treatment | Price |
Removal of artificial material | RUB 900 |