Pressotherapy: getting rid of cellulite, swelling, and varicose veins
Treat the cause, not the consequence!
Do you know what causes varicose veins, cellulite, swelling, and other problems? The answer is simple: water imbalance, excess fluid, and harmful substances in the body. Pressotherapy is a reliable and modern way to fix these problems! As is known, we need to treat the primary cause, rather than the consequence …
To whom is the procedure recommended?
We recommend you to get pressotherapy if you have:
- cellulitis;
- lymphoedema;
- excess weight;
- varicose veins;
- heaviness in legs;
- venous insufficiency;
- fat folds;
- loose inelastic skin.
What is the effect?
Water balance is normalized, excess fluid and harmful substances are removed from the body, metabolism and lymph circulation are accelerated. As a result, you get:
- noticeable decrease or complete disappearance of cellulite;
- reduction of edema;
- reduction of fat folds;
- lightness in legs;
- withdrawal of excess fluid and harmful substances from the body;
- immunity strengthening;
- increased skin elasticity.
What is the main advantage of pressure therapy?
Pressotherapy has a mild and gentle effect on the body. Pressure therapy is safe even for those for whom electrophoresis, ultrasound therapy, electrical stimulation, or classic massages are contraindicated! 2-3-month-pregnant women can also undergo the procedure to remove swelling of legs.
What is the course of pressotherapy?
A special suit is put on the body’s problem areas, which is then filled with air from the machine. The air begins to pulsate… Muscles relax, blood vessels dilate… A powerful lymphatic drainage — i.e. acceleration of lymph circulation and withdrawal of excess fluid from the space between the body’s cells — occurs at the cellular level. Two microprocessors control the pressure on each body region, while you lie down and relax… Immediately after the procedure you will feel pleasant warmth and lightness!
We have a very good device for pressotherapy in our clinic; it is modern, but surefire. It is operated by a specialist who knows all the intricacies of this procedure. He selects air pressure force and sets its value on the computer for you individually. This is very important, because if the pressure is insufficient, you will not notice the effect of the procedure… But if the pressure is too strong, instead of pleasurable sensations you will feel discomfort…
Read our clients’ feedback on pressotherapy
«In summer, I was suffering constant swelling and heaviness in legs. I could not fit into a pair of my favorite shoes, did not know what to do. A friend advised me to do pressotherapy in LIPS clinic. I doubted at first – whether it’s going to help, whether it is a good procedure? But I had nothing to lose and went for it. And now I’m very happy! Swelling disappeared and did not return for two months; the procedure proved to be very enjoyable and relaxing!»
Elena, 38 y.o.
«I’ve used all imaginable means against cellulitis! From traditional to folk remedies… Various scrubs, creams, belts, home devices, warming pants, and massagers… I must admit — I haven’t tried doing sports, because I’m too lazy when it comes to it, plus I don’t have this much spare time! I had read that one does not need to treat cellulitis itself, not its symptoms, but to find its root cause, and fix it. And then I have discovered pressotherapy in LIPS clinic — and I’m happy with the result! Cellulitis is almost gone; the skin became more elastic and smoothed out… Plus it is beneficial to the entire body, as they say…»
Yuliya, 42 y.o.
Price of pressotherapy
Price of a single procedure in our clinic is 1500 rubles. This is the average adequate price for Moscow (after all, we offer quality procedure performed using expensive equipment by a professional with extensive experience); it is not overestimated (we do not charge for the clinic status and “exclusiveness” of the procedures). Remember: you don’t get good pressotherapy on every street corner in Moscow — take reasonable approach when selecting a clinic!
Book pressotherapy at LIPSCLINIC — you will be satisfied both with the process and the result!
Dial +7 963 964-79-76 or leave a request to schedule a free consultation with our doctor.